Access to the MMM Hub
Getting access
Access routes to Young depend on whether you are based at one of the partner institutions or not.
For researchers at partner institutions:
If you are a materials modelling researcher based at one of the partner institutions and think that your work would fit well on to Young then please get in touch with the Point of Contact at your institution.
- Brunel University London – Ed Smith and Jun Xia
- Imperial College London – Dr Lucas Garcia Verga
- King’s College London – Alejandro Santana Bonilla
- Queen Mary University of London – Simon Butcher and Tom Bradford
- Queen’s University Belfast – Malachy Montgomery
- University of Lincoln – Matt Watkins and Sergey Chulkov
- University of Reading – Kenneth Shankland
- University College London – Scott Woodley
- University of Oxford – Jon Doye
- University of Southampton – Chris Skylaris, Alister Boags and Taylor Haynes
For Other Researchers:
Access to 30% of the machine is handled through the two relevant materials oriented high end computing consortia, namely the Materials Chemistry Consortium (MCC) and the UK Car-Parrinello Consortium (UKCP). If you are a materials modelling researcher not based at one of the partner institutions and think that your work would fit well on to Young then please get in touch with either the MCC or UKCP. Both consortia are open to accepting new members with appropriate research interests from anywhere in the UK. The relevant Points of Contact for the two consortia are:
- Materials Chemistry Consortium — Scott Woodley
- UK Car-Parrinello Consortium – Phil Hasnip & Matt Probert
We support a low-effort mechanism for short-term access to try out the Young infrastructure for materials and molecular modelling simulations without requiring a formal proposal. This will allow researchers to test whether the Young architecture is suitable for their workflow in advance of requesting larger-scale access via the consortia listed above. For a time-limited account with a small 'gold' allocation budget, please email to request access to the Director's allocation budget from Scott Woodley.
Young user guide
Support for Young users is provided by the UCL Research Computing Support Team. You can find their Young wiki page here:
Acknowledging the use of the MMM Hub in publications
Acknowledging the use of the MMM Hub in publications: All work arising from this facility should be properly acknowledged in presentations and papers with the following text: “We are grateful to the UK Materials and Molecular Modelling Hub for computational resources, which is partially funded by EPSRC (EP/T022213/1, EP/W032260/1 and EP/P020194/1)”
A high-resolution version of our logo, for use in talks or on posters can be found here.