Work package 2

WP 2 has two parts 

2.1 Exploiting heterogeneous architectures and novel network hardware. The objectives are: 

 * Develop task kernels to execute tasks on a wide variety of architectures including different GPU accelerators 

 * Work with cross-cutting groups to develop flexible ways to define kernels and work between different architectures, making use of generic languages such as SYCL and OpenACC 

 * Work with hardware vendors to co-design novel and flexible solutions to communication delays between domains 

 * Develop ways of exploiting direct communication between GPU systems 

2.2 Developing algorithms that are well-suited to the task system and heterogeneous architectures. The objectives are: 

 * Develop optimal low-level algorithms, common to many science problems 

 * Make optimal use of accelerator hardware for complex multi-centre interactions 

 * Design algorithms for acceleration of DFT and quantum chemistry codes