Upcoming events
The Hub runs a broad range of materials modelling, training, community building and outreach events in partnership with the Thomas Young Centre (TYC): The London Centre for the Theory and Simulation of Materials. Subscribe to the TYC calendar and check out the TYC events page for more details.
- April 9, 2025
MMM Hub Software Spotlight: Intel HBM
April 9, 2025 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
ZoomFouzhan Hosseini - Intel
Overview of the hardware and how to use it both in cache and flat mode and demonstrate benchmarks for a different relevant codes.
https://ucl.zoom.us/j/99168542304?pwd=7FedBjverjgP8J472RdLn4Z9NfGfN4.1Meeting ID: 991 6854 2304
Passcode: TYCSWS
- April 10, 2025
TYC Recently Appointed PI talks
April 10, 2025 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
K-1.56 King's Building, King's College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UKProvisional Schedule:
- Carla De Tomas, King’s
Carbon materials, particularly on their structure-property relationships, with applications in energy storage and gas separation
- Ivan Palaia, King’s
Out-of-equilibrium self-assembly, focusing on cell membrane deformation, cytoskeleton dynamics, and protein and colloid assembly, statistical mechanics of electrolytic solutions.
- April 24, 2025
TYC Mini-Symposium Bio Interest Group: AI-based approaches for biomolecular modelling and simulation
April 24, 2025 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
UCL Physics A1/3 Physics Building, Gower Street, LondonChris Oostenbrink, BOKU & Franca Fraternali, UCL
Please register: https://thomasyoungcentre.org/event/tyc-mini-symposium-bio-interest-group-chris-oostenbrink-boku-franca-fraternali-ucl/
Followed by a drinks reception in Physics E3/7
- May 14, 2025
TYC MM Lecture: Hannes Jonsson, University of Iceland
May 14, 2025 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
UCL Physics E7
- May 15, 2025
TYC Highlight Seminar: Calculations of excited electronic states by converging on saddle points on the electronic energy surface - Hannes Jonsson, University of Iceland
May 15, 2025 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Harrie Massey LT, UCLRegistration: https://thomasyoungcentre.org/event/tyc-highlight-seminar-prof-hannes-jonsson-university-of-iceland/
Calculations of excited electronic states are important in various contexts such as light harvesting, photocatalysis and molecular motors. They are challenging as commonly used optimization algorithms are based on minimization and converge on the ground state. As a result, a time-dependent formulation of density functional theory (DFT) is frequently used, TD-DFT, especially within the linear response and adiabatic approximations. This approximate approach, however, has several limitations especially when significant charge transfer occurs during the excitation and when states are close in energy. Within configuration interaction (CI) theory, it is evident that excited states correspond to saddle points on the electronic energy surface, with the saddle point order increasing with the excitation level. While CI calculations can be accelerated greatly by using neural networks [1], they are much too computationally demanding for most systems of interest. DFT is used in most electronic structure calculations carried out today, and by using an algorithm for converging on saddle points on the electronic energy surface, the orbitals can be optimised for excited states to provide higher energy solutions to the underlying Kohn-Sham equations [2,3]. This gives more robust estimates of the excitation energy than TD-DFT with computational effort similar to that of ground state calculations.
Several applications of this approach with commonly used density functionals will be presented, as well as calculations using a self-interaction corrected functional that gives improved results. In particular, various excited states of the ethylene molecule, including twisting of the C=C double bond, the active element of various molecular motors, and high energy Rydberg states, have been analysed [4]. In a solid state application, the various states relevant for the optical preparation of a pure spin state in nitrogen/vacancy defect in diamond, a system used in various types of quantum technologies, have been calculated. The results show close agreement with computationally demanding, high-level calculations as well as experiments [5].
[1] Y.L.A. Schmerwitz et al. 19, 3634 (2025).
[2] G. Levi, A.V. Ivanov and H. Jónsson, J. Chem. Theo. Comput. 16, 6968 (2020).
[3] Y.L.A. Schmerwitz, G. Levi and H. Jónsson, J. Chem. Theory and Comput. 19, 3634 (2023).
[4] A.E. Sigurdarson, Y.L.A. Schmerwitz, D.K.V. Tveiten, G. Levi and H. Jónsson, J. Chem. Phys. 159, 214109 (2023).
[5] A.V. Ivanov, Y.L.A. Schmerwitz, G. Levi and H. Jónsson, SciPost Physics 15, 009 (2023).
- May 22, 2025
- June 5, 2025
TYC Highlight Seminar: Paola Carbone, Manchester
June 5, 2025 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
1.02 Malet Place Engineering Building, 2 Malet Pl, London WC1E 7JE, UK
Past events
Previous outreach events
A Pint of Science with the TYC: Living in a material world (May 2019)
The technological revolution is evident: our phones have become more powerful, our computers smaller and day-to-day lives increasingly interconnected. Tonight, we cast our gaze to futuristic materials in search of opportunity and adventure. From the possibility of beetle inspired TV screens, to infinite batteries and beyond: come share our excitement about what the periodic table has to offer!
Code for Creation @ The Royal Society's Summer Science Exhibition 2018
Using theory and simulation to understand, design and discover the materials of tomorrow!